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10 Ultimate Business Presentation Trends: 2020 Edition

10 Ultimate Business Presentation Trends 2020 Edition 1

In the business world, such a little and at first sight insignificant thing as a PowerPoint on Keynote presentation really matters. Even though the key factor of your pitch deck’s success is your confidence and ability to convince people that investing in your startup is the best thing that could possibly happen to them, such a little detail as the design of your slides still matters. So how do you create a stunning presentation in 2020 and what are the main trends you need to follow? That is exactly what we are going to figure out today.

How to Prepare for a Presentation

First of all, you have to be ready for your performance. I call it performance because I personally see no difference between singing on stage and convincing investors to give you money for bringing your project to life. Both activities are rather stressful, require a lot of energy and effort, and involve a long and thorough preparation process. Just like singers rehearse for months before they go on stage, you have to practice your communication, charisma, and convincing skills before you go to your potential investors.

It goes without saying, the preparation process is quite long and stressful. Yet the more stressed out you get while you are preparing, the smoother your actual performance will go. So what are the effective ways to get ready? Here are some tips that will be rather handy for you:

These are the basic tips that pretty much anyone can use and even though they seem to be quite simple and obvious, don’t take them for granted because they actually work. So do not hesitate and try out at least some of them and you’ll immediately see the results.

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Now let us move on to the main purpose of our article, which is 2020 presentation trends. As a matter of fact, trends come and go every season and it’s rather difficult to keep up with them. However, the main tendencies such as minimalism are usually on top for quite a while, which means that using minimalist templates is going to be a win anyway.

Talking about templates, I cannot omit the fact that it is perhaps the best way to keep up with all the trends and in the end come up with something actually up-to-date and simply dope. Thus, you might be interested in getting some pre-made templates for Keynote, PowerPoint, or Google Slides. So for those of you who think that a template is the only way to go I would recommend checking out the following articles:

In these articles, you will find dozens of templates that will no doubt back you up at the most important moments of your life. Well, if you are unsure which particular template should you use, then let us move on to the 2020 presentation trends you need to know before purchasing a template.

Infographics Instead of Text

Nobody likes reading long passages of text especially if they are not interested in that text in the first place. Believe me, you are not going to make people interested in your presentation by means of insanely long text passages. So why don’t you use some infographics instead? It is simple, it looks lovely, and it makes your slides readable and easy to digest.

Images, Images, More Images

Speaking about text, there shouldn’t be any on your slides except for titles, names, important numbers, etc. Moreover, the main purpose of your slides is to demonstrate your startup and by “demonstrate” I mean actually showing some pictures of your device or schemes, which describe the way your brand-new technology works. So don’t be afraid of using too many illustrative materials, lots of pictures is actually good. Just make sure that your presentation is not too long though.

Charts and Diagrams Rock

Certainly, the best way to present some statistic data or the results of your market analysis as well as showing your startup’s target audience is by means of diagrams and charts. They highlight your data in the best possible way, they are rather easy to make, and your investors would be able to get all the data they need. Well, never underestimate the power of the good old diagrams and charts.

Simple and Readable Fonts

You surely want to make your slides eye-catching and elaborate fonts are among the best ways to achieve this goal. However, people should be able to actually read all the important information you highlighted on your slides and fancy fonts are pretty often hard to decode. So it is better to keep everything simple and use a simple and readable font.

Sophisticated Gradients

Considering the fact that minimalism is the dominant trend in design, you probably want to keep the layout of your presentation as simple as it is possible. Well, you are right to do so, yet a little bit of fanciness will never hurt you and some pretty gradients are the best way to add this fancy vibe. Thus, feel free to experiment with some gradients, you definitely will not regret that.

Short and Precise

In 2020, investors do not have much time for young startup founders like you. No offense but this is just how the things are. So you have to make sure that your slides are precise and your presentation is short, otherwise, you are going to be interrupted in the middle of your speech and wouldn’t have a chance to tell about the coolest things about your startup, and eventually lose the opportunity to get the funds. Thus, keep it short and precise.

Minimalism in All Its Glory

Yes, I have already mentioned minimalism a few times but I’m going to do it again simply because it’s super important. Plain layouts, minimalist fonts, classic color schemes, and simplicity in everything is on top in 2020. So double-check if your slides comply with the basic minimalist tendencies.

Engaging the Audience

In order to make your potential investors like you and your project, you have to literally engage them into your performance. Ask them questions, make them participate in activities you prepared for them, let them touch and use the technology or product you are promoting to them. Interactivity is one of the main trends in 2020 as well as the ultimate key to success.

Trendy Colors

Every year Pantone releases the color of the year and in 2020 it is classic blue. So while you are looking for a template, pick up the one that is designed in this very color.

Icons that Speak for You

You already know that text has to be substituted by infographics and images, yet there is another thing that displace text and this thing is icons. In fact, icons can actually brig your entire presentation to the next level, so do not hesitate and give these little cuties a chance to prove themselves to you.

Well, these are the hottest trends of 2020, so keep those in mind while you are looking for some new templates or working on your pitch deck. After all, the fact that you keep up with the latest tendencies and trends will only show your potential investors that you are open to everything new and pay attention to little details, which are the very characteristics you want to demonstrate to the people that might give you the funds for your project.

Hottest Presentation Bundles that You Need to Check Out

Since you already know all the trends and tendencies that are going to rock in 2020, it’s the very time to find some lovely and affordable bundles with templates that perfectly fit all your requirements. So get ready, here they come.

1.  Creative PowerPoint Templates in 2020. Bundle to Design an Effective Presentation

Price: $25

A bundle that contains a variety of professionally designed templates for all occasions is definitely among the things you have to take a look at, so leave all your doubts behind and take a good hard look at this very bundle.

2.  Business PowerPoint Templates Bundle to Give a Gripping Business Presentation

Price: $25

Another stunning option for those of you who are dreaming about conquering the business world, so if you are one of these people, make sure to check out this amazing option.

3.  Gutenberg 3-in-1 Bundle: Gutenberry Theme, ZeGuten Plugin and Extra Presentation

Price: $64

The ultimate option for those of you who want to get only the best products. Well, do not waste your time any longer, follow the link above, and get this with no exaggeration amazing bundle now.

4.  Medical PowerPoint Templates in 2020. Ultimate Bundle to Create an Amazing Health Presentation

Price: $15

If your startup is somehow connected with medicine, then this very collection of medical templates is definitely the way to go for you. So take a closer look at this baby in order to see yourself that you actually need it.

5.  Star Wars Powerpoint Templates + Bonus Google Slide & Keynote

Price: $20

This unconventional bundle will no doubt back you up in any situation, so why don’t you let the force be with you at such an important moment as your pitch deck? 

6. Clean Style Pitch Deck Template 2020: Powerpoint, Google Slides, Keynote

Price: $13

Last, but surely not least, is this very option that has the superpower to bring your pitch deck to the top, so don’t hesitate and take a good look at this bundle. 

Well, take a brief look at these bundles one more time, pick the one you liked the best, and create the very presentation that will bring you to success today.


Why can’t I use pre-made layout options from PowerPoint or Keynote?

You can, but these pre-made options are usually out-of-date, besides, they are being used by millions of people all over the world, which means that they are not unique.

Where can I purchase presentation templates on a discount?

Check out such marketplaces as MasterBundles, Creative Market, graphicriver.

How much does a template cost?

On average, it’s approximately $10.

Is getting a bundle cheaper than purchasing a single template?

It actually is. One template costs about $10, while a bundle that contains at least 5 unique templates costs about $15-$20.

Final Word

Considering the high competition, getting the funds for your startup is rather complicated this time. Thus, you have to make sure that you are perfectly ready to convince your potential investors to give you money by means of your pitch deck presentation. So look through the tips I gave you one more time, study the latest presentation trends, get a lovely template bundle, and just nail it.

What trends do you think I missed? Let me know in the comment section down below!

Article References

Before I start working on any article, I always do my research on the subject I’d like to write on. That means that I read and analyze a lot of material in order to provide you with up-to-date information, statistic data, as well as relevant tips and advice. Thus, this article is based on the following resources:

1.  “ANNOUNCING THE PANTONE COLOR OF THE YEAR 2020.” Pantone, 2020, Accessed 16 Apr. 2020.

2.  Calkins, Tim. How to Wash a Chicken: Mastering the Business Presentation. Page Two Books, 2018.

3.  Childress, Andrew. “15+ Top Presentation Design Trends to Create Uber-Cool PowerPoints in 2020.” EvantoTuts+, 2020,–cms-34459. Accessed 16 Apr. 2020.

4.  Knaflic, Cole Nussbaumer. Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals. Audible Studios, 2018.

5.  Ries, Eric. The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Random House Audio, 2011. 

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