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20 Best Free Notion Template to Improve Your Life 2023

Best Free Notion Template

Notion has become one of the most popular tools all around the world. It is a powerful tool to help you write, plan, or organize your mind. You can mold Notion any way you want to build the documents, tools and systems you need.

Notion Template is a great function, you can explore and duplicate any page below with one click so you can make it your own! Notion offers many templates officially, but that’s not enough. Here is the Best Free Notion Templates to improve your life.

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Best Free Notion Templates

In this collection, we list over 20 free Notion templates for you, whatever kind of a template you’re looking for – personal finance, health care, HR, habit tracker, someone out there has already built for you.

Why you should consider using these Notion templates?

#Notion Personal finance Templates

Track your saving goals, manage your investment portfolio, or manage your budget.

1.Free Notion Saving Goals Tracker Template

Notion Saving Goals Tracker Template, design by Luisa.

Enter your funding goal, as well as the amount you have so far — the rest is done for you. Serves as a fun way to motivate you to save.

2.Free Notion ETF and Stock Rebalancer Template

Notion ETF and Stock Rebalancer Template, design by Luisa.

On your journey to financial independence, it’s crucial for your portfolio to be aligned according to your plans for the future. This Notion ETF and Stock Rebalancer template will make sure your investment portfolio is balanced the way you need it to, making sure you’re on track to achieve your financial goals.

3.Free Notion Budget Manage Template

Free Notion Budget Manage Template can help you to manage your budget, it contains 3 databases:

#Notion Health Templates

With our Notion health template, you can track your health, skincare, mood, fitness goals and progression easily from any device!

1.Free Notion Health Tracker Template

Notion Health Tracker Template, design by Luisa. It contains 5 unique databases to track your health.

2.Free Notion Skincare Database and Inventory Template

Notion Skincare Database and Inventory Template, design by Luisa. 

I have recently become very interested in self-care and skincare. As I started collecting more and more products, it became quite overwhelming to keep track of all of them — so I created this Notion skincare template. While this one if particular is for skincare, it could be adapted for other uses (e.g. makeup)

3. Free Notion Digital Mood Tracker Template

Notion Digital Mood Tracker Template. It contains 2 databases:

How to use Notion Digital Mood Tracker Template?

4.Free Notion Training Tracker Template

Notion Training Tracker Template is a database to track all training sessions, including break times, durations, etc. Every workout is a page with meta information on the workout session, including the program, date, break time, duration of the workout and the difficulty level. Every workout contains another table including the individual workouts with reps, sets, and weights.

Created by: Stefan Imhoff

5.Free Notion Meal Planner Template

This Meal Planner Template was created by the Notion team. It lets you capture recipes and ideas for meals anytime, schedule them on a weekly basis, and generate a grocery list so you don’t forget anything. 

#Notion Student Templates

As a busy student, there are assignments, lesson plans, club projects to juggle, one of the biggest headaches is keeping all this in one place, nobody wants to be switching between Canvas, Google Docs, Airtable, Google Slides, and your inbox all night.

So we gathered the best Notion templates for students to organize all this in one place — that way you can focus on getting the most out of school.

See also: 14 Best Aesthetic Notion Templates for Students

1.Free Notion Student Workspace Template

Notion Student Workspace Template, design by Luisa. It contains 5 unique databases to track your life.

2.Free Notion Notes and Notebooks Template

Notion Notes and Notebooks Template can help you manage your class notes, it contains 3 databases:

#Notion HR & People Ops Template

If you’re a People Ops or HR leader, you can use Notion HR templates to build a highly efficient and central system for onboarding and orienting new employees so they become productive fast.

1.Free Notion Recurring Events & Tasks Template

Notion Recurring Events & Tasks Template, a template that can automatically handle recurring dates, design by Luisa.

2.Notion Employee Hiring System Template

This Notion Employee Hiring System Template was created by Red Gregory. It uses Kanban Boards to manage a pipeline, the template enables you to organize incoming hires and open positions. It is suited for a headhunter or HR manager.

3.Notion Job Applications Template

This Notion Job Applications Template was created by Luisa. It uses Kanban Boards to manage a pipeline, the template enables you to organize the job application process, especially new graduates. It contains 4 databases:

4.Notion Job Applications (Create by Dix mille heures)

Notion Job Applications (Create by Dix mille heures)

Notion Job Applications is a Notion template to track your job applications. You can use it to manage your portfolio, resume, cover letter, and track your job applications.

5. FREE Notion Resume Template

This FREE resume template features a minimal design with a precise layout and customizable information, export to PDF, send it to the recruiter, and get the job.

#Notion Habit Tracker Template

Take control of your habits.

1.Auto Habits (Free Notion Template)

Auto Habits (Create by jack!)

Auto Habits is a free, single-page template system that enables you to track up to 7 habits in Notion. You can even incorporate Auto Habits into your current dashboard/operating system.

See also: 5 Best Free Notion Habit Tracker Template 2021

#Notion Template for Freelancer

When working as a freelancer, it is quite difficult – from looking for clients to getting the job done. So we prepare some ready-to-use templates for your freelance business.

1. Notion Template: Instagram Planner and Calendar

Notion Template: Instagram Planner and Calendar (Create by Molly @ Notionology)

Instagram Planner and Calendar is a Notion template to help manage your Instagram posts. Within the template, there are helpful tips and tricks for planning your posts.

2.Social Media Management Notion Template (FREE)

Social Media Management Notion Template (Create by Balance Your Life Tools)

Social Media is an important communication channel for freelancer, this Social Media Management Notion Template can optimize your workflow, map out your content across different social media channels/platforms and different campaigns.

3.Notion Template: Blogging Manager

Notion Template: Blogging Manager (Create by Molly @ Notionology)

This Notion template can help you to manage the blogging process from start to finish. Start by determining the type of your post. Then write an outline, build a draft, and use relationship manager & post calendar to manage your relationship and schedule.

#Use Notion as You Website

Skip the cumbersome web developers and create a website (for yourself or your company) without any coding.

1.Notion Landing Page Template

Notion Landing Page Template

Don’t know how to build a website? Use this Notion landing page template now! This free conversion optimized LP template can help you validate your idea, capture emails, or send them a purchase link.


How to use Notion Template?

How to use Notion Template?

Total Time: 3 minutes

open the template page

The url will begin with***

Click Duplicate to copy it to your workspace.

Can I duplicate these Notion templates to share with others?

No, most of them are personal licenses for individual use.

Does this work on the free version of Notion?

Yes, all of them work on the free version of Notion.

Still got the Best Free Notion Template thirst?

If this list doesn’t capture all of your desired use cases, do not despair. You can get more Notion from here:

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