How To Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme?

It’s no secret that any area has its own standards and requirements regarding the design of information materials. For example, photography and fashion tend to have a subtle and minimal style, while marketing and IT love bright accents paired with trendy icons.

Medicine is another interesting area in terms of design. Probably everyone is used to the fact that most of the thematic info materials are made in a boring palette or without color accents at all. However, do not despair, because the MasterBundles team decided to help everyone who has to create a medical presentation!

In the article, experts will tell you how to work with the design, and then give a couple of recommendations on placing the information on the slides. And, of course, we won’t do without successful templates for those who want to see examples of good design or take a ready-made set for work.

Slides Design Tips

Even though it’s better to forget about boring designs (black text-white background), you should still adhere to the standards of the sphere. So, in order for the design of medical ppt to be appropriate, as well as attractive to the audience, it’s worth remembering the key points:

  1. Medicine is often associated with cleanliness and austerity, so the background of your presentation should always be light (ideally white). However, colored elements will not be superfluous.
  2. Speaking of element colors, medical presentations are usually done in cool colors (for instance blue, cyan, emerald, gray-blue, and gray-violet). Bright red, orange, yellow, and pink don’t look good on these slides.
  3. When designing a slide, make sure that its light part occupies about 60-80%, while the color accent would be no more than 20-40%.
  4. Use only the most contrasting color combinations for text blocks. For example, blue/green on a white background is not the best combination, it will tire the eyes. But the black text on a white/other light background is always a winning option.
  5. Choose clear, minimalistic fonts with good readability, because usually a medical presentation and ornate letters that you have to peer at are a bad combination.

Of course, you can always take the basic presentation templates from the Powerpoint library, but they are a little boring. So why not try making an original template yourself or download PowerPoint templates made by pros?

Information Presenting Tips

The second stage of work on the presentation after the initial design of the slides is the correct distribution of information. Experts often talk about such recommendations:

  • before filling the slides with data, write a plan and indicate on which page you plan to place certain data;
  • make sure the presentation has a welcome slide, objectives, main body (problem and its argumentation/solution or main topic disclosure), audience interactivity slide, conclusions, and final slide;
  • use infographics to provide statistical data;
  • it’s better not to have more than 60-80 words on one slide (this is the maximum that is effectively perceived by a person);
  • the most difficult information to perceive is best placed in the first half of the presentation.

And one more tip. If you’re creating a medical presentation with research elements, the presentation should include references to used studies of other authors. They can be collected on one of the final slides, or be indicated in small print at the bottom of each slide with facts taken from the publication.

Eight Best Template Examples

But what if you don’t feel like spending hours on creating the perfect design? The MasterBundles marketplace presents a huge number of ready-made options for every taste. All the customer needs is to go to the website, choose some great medical ppt slides, and download templates.

We’ve put together eight compelling sets that can both serve as inspiration for DIY presentation makers or can be downloaded for immediate use. Check them now!

Physiotherapy Presentation Template

An excellent medical presentation that combines incredible design and rigor. The combination of pastel blue and pink with white looks very stylish. Slides have a lot of space for both textual information and images or statistics.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

Best Medical Infographics 2022

Infographics are one of the indispensable components of a great medical presentation. This set contains 12 interesting templates, as well as 50 XML color themes. It will be easy for users to work with the presented elements since they are highly customizable.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

Medical Clinic Presentation Template

An attractive template is simply created for the presentation of a medical clinic. Blue and purple work great on 51 customizable slides with plenty of space for any type of information.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

Clinic Presentation Template

Another worthy template for showing the audience the specifics of the work of a medical clinic. The set is completely made in shades of aquamarine, and also has small purple accents. The template has 50+ attractive slides, and the color scheme, if necessary, can be changed in one click.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

Multi Medical Template

Looking for a beautiful and “clean” theme? Then this option will be an excellent choice because it is literally made according to all the basic requirements for medical presentations! The set consists of 30 unique slides and three color palettes. Additionally, the drag & drop feature makes it easy to work with images.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

Medical Infographic

As we said before, infographics in medicine are indispensable, so be sure to check out one more cool template. It has 16 splendid objects that allow you to present statistics in the most understandable way for the audience.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

Medical Presentation Template

This template is quite versatile and is suitable for a medical laboratory, a clinic, a presentation of a scientific study, etc. The light background gives a lot of space for creativity, and blue-violet accents add liveliness to the pages.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

Health Presentation

A fresh template adorned with pleasant emerald accents can also be used to create a medical presentation. The set contains 60 different slides (half in a light palette and half in a dark one). The template is easily customizable and universal.

Create An Awesome Presentation On A Medical Theme

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