Free Data Presentation Templates
Cyber Security Presentation Template
Cyber Security Presentation Template was designed by professional. We created this presentation by using modern and clean style.
Free Data Science Life Cycle PPT Template
It is essential to follow the life cycle of a data science project when you building your data science project. This ppt template showcases two different data science life cycles: 5 phases of the data science life cycle and 7 phases of the data science life cycle.
Free Survey Results Graph PowerPoint Template (7 Slides)
Are you conducting a survey? Our survey results graph PowerPoint template will help you gather the results and organize them into an understandable state. It has seven unique slides design including percentages, graphs, bars, and diagrams.
Data Warehouse Infographic PowerPoint Template
Data Warehouse Infographic PowerPoint Template Free Download. This free infographic can be used for database related presentation.
Free Data Visualization Presentation Template
This template is a free sample of Data Visualization Presentation, which is designed for big data related to data processing, analysis and storage. It also includes some useful shapes and you can modify them all.